There are various things that can conjure positive energy and feelings about ourselves and the people.
Gratitude is associated with happiness, expression of Gratitude helps in building and sustaining long term relationships, dealing with adversities.
1. Gratitude brings happiness:
It enhances interpersonal connections both at work and at home. We feel happy and fulfilled when we give thanks to ourselves as well as to others.
According to a survey, happiness was chosen by 65 out of 100 respondents over basic habits like keeping a gratitude journal and giving oneself compliments.
2. Gratitude improves health:
Gratitude impacts mental and physical well-being; keeping a gratitude journal causes less stress and improves the quality of sleep.
3. Gratitude improves building professional commitment:
Gratitude, if expressed in the workplace, will generate more productive and interpersonal skills and trigger feelings of closeness.
Employees who are grateful are more likely to offer to help out with more tasks and go above and beyond to correct their mistakes.
4. Gratitude increases psychological well-being:
Researcher Chin-Che Lin found that when a person expresses gratitude, it will have a strong positive impact on psychological well-being, self-esteem, and any kind of mental disorder.
5. Gratitude keeps alive the positive emotions:
Feeling grateful every day will keep away and shun the negativity from our lives, and we will attract more positive energy, which will result in positive results.
6. Keep away suicidal thoughts:
A study conducted by Krysinka, Lester, Lyke, and Corvelyn in 2015 conducted a study on the effects of gratitude on depression, coping, and suicide, and it showed that gratitude plays a major role and reduces the stress when thoughts of suicide come.
7. Expand our social network:
It helps us to expand our social network, build better relationships on trust, and makes us more appreciative.
8. Improve the quality of our romantic relationship;
A study that is conducted by Algoe, Frederickson, and Gable in 2013 showed that gratitude helps us to make the relationship stronger.
9. Enhances social support:
It is shown that those who are more grateful garner more social support; it is confirmed that higher gratitude leads to lower levels of stress and depression, as you will get more support during difficult times.
10. Makes us more optimistic:
It helps us to be more optimistic; regular gratitude journaling increases our level of optimism.
11. Increases spiritualism:
If you feel confused, lost, or fatigued, practicing gratitude can help you to reflect on our spiritual side; the more spiritual we are, the more grateful we are.
12. Improve work-related mental health and reduce stress:
This is very important, as having an attitude of gratitude can reduce the stress and the anxiety and protect the staff from the negativity. We must practice at the workplace so that we can inspire one another and rise by lifting others.
13. Improve your sleep: Want a healthy heart? Count your blessings more often (Shipon, 1977).
Some suggestions have been drawn from Sansone & Sansone(2010) and Emmons(2010)
1. Journal about things, people or situations for which you are grateful.
2.Think about someone for whom you are grateful.
3.Write a gratitude letter.
4.Observe good things and appreciate them.
5.Do count on your blessings.
6.Recall a negative event and change your perception.
7.Be mindful of your breath and every moment that surrounds you.
8.Create Visual Reminders.
9.Focus on the good .
10.Actions that lead to gratitude .